October 16, 2024

A Bill for Prohibition of Illicit Drinks Passed 2nd Reading in Plateau Assembly 

A bill for a law to prohibit the production, sale and consumption of Illicit Drinks and banned substances and the establishment of Cognitive Behaviour Therapeutic Centres in Plateau State and other matters related, 2024 has passed second reading in the floor of the Plateau State House of Assembly. 

The bill which was jointly sponsored by Eight members was presented by member representing Mangu South Constituency, Matthew Kwarpo during Wednesday plenary at the temporary sitting venue in Old Government House Rayfield Jos.

The bill is being sponsored by the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Gabriel Dewan, Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Isa Madaki, Nanbol Listick, Kalamu Idris, Galadima Adamu, Dickson Chollom and Denty Laven as well as Matthew Kwarpo who presented the bill. 

Speaking on the importance of the bill, Matthew Kwarpo said the increasing rate of drugs abuse is partly responsible for the increase in crime rate and high statistics of School drop outs, low level of productivity and high mortality rate among youths in the state. 

He said it is imperative for the Plateau State Government in collaboration with other Federal Agencies to intensify and implement a ban on such items, regulate their production and distribution.

The bill also suggested that the government should establish a free or subsidized government managed rehabilitation Centres in the State to complement efforts of the existing public and faith based Centres.

The bill which is dividend into Seven parts and contained Thirty Four clauses, is targeting the prohibition of the production of a dreaded illicit drinks popularly call (Goskolo) in the state and other banned substances which are injurious to it’s consumers.

It also provided for a speedy trial of offenders to dispense justice within a reasonable time as well as decry the congestion of Correctional Centres. Also, it prescribed the mode of admission into the Centre, penalty for obstructing officers of taskforce among others.

The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Gabriel Dewan sent the bill to the House’ Standing Committee on Health for thorough scrutiny and to revert back to the house in 14 days.

During the plenary, a bill for a law to provide for the establishment of Plateau State Social Protection Unit and other matters related, 2024 scaled through first reading in the floor of the House.

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