October 16, 2024

International Organization Supports Widows with Food

An International faith based organization known as “Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ”  has demonstrated the true gospel of Jesus Christ by showing love in action to Widows in Jos, Plateau State capital.

The program tagged, “Prayer Walk” started with a walk by the organizers and the widows from the Plateau State Polytechnic, Jos Campus gate and terminated with an engagement at the Assemblies of God Church, Old airport on Saturday.

The happy looking women colourfully dressed in the organization’s T-shirt with drummers and trumpeters entertaining them while they shared flyers with the caption, “Jesus is coming soon ” to passers by on their way.

Arriving the Church for the program, the widows started with praise and worship before they were engaged in discussions on some of their rights as widows and health talk. 

Barrister Manna Mamfat digested the topic, “Right of a Widow in respect to harmful traditional practices such as forceful marriage to a deceased husband’s brother or relatives.” 

She explained to them some of the laws that protect the rights of the widows especially section 8 of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Law, noting that it protects the widow’s right from forceful marriage to a deceased husband relation and female genital mutilation.

She advised the widows to approach the Plateau State Ministry of Justice, National Human Rights Commission or Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and any other organizations that can defend their rights when such rights are violated.

Also, a health practitioner, Mrs. Joyce Jonathan engaged the widows in a health talk with the topic “Your health, an indispensable part of your Christian growth” where she discussed with them on ways to have a healthy life. 

Sharing the testimony of her encounter with Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ, Mrs. Rebecca Simon whose husband died since 2009, said since 2022 that she received a call from sister Mary Izam and she attended one of their programs, they have been her help as they always provide for them in time of needs. 

“At times I will not have anything to eat with the children, then they will call us to come and collect food. That is how they have been giving us Rice, Garri, Yam, Maggi, Spaghetti, Salt, all the foodstuffs. They will package it heavy and we carry it joyfully. ” Said Mrs. Simon. 

On her part, Mrs. Victoria Amos Gana, recalled how she was helped by Sister Mary Izam who stood for her because her husband died since 2014 and without a ‘Will’ and she went to court and got a letter of administration. 

“After 2 of my children got admission, even to get food was a problem. So the very day mummy Izam called me, we didn’t have anything to eat. So she just called me that she want us to meet in the church. 

” So when we arrived there, after we prayed in fellowship, they gave us food and since then, every month they will call us to have fellowship then they give us food. These people have done enough for me in my life. 

The widows prayed God to bless the International President of the organization, Sister Grace Esiape, the National Coordinator, Sister Mary Izam and the State Coordinator, Rev. Mrs. Ann Jerry Pam for all they are doing in their lives. 

The State Coordinator of Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ, Rev. Mrs. Ann Jerry Pam said they got to know most of the widows through evangelism. 

She said they always have a day in a month for prayers where they meet and study the scripture, give exhortation, interact, share challenges and experience, encourage one another and pray for each other.

She added that through the fellowship they also led those that have not repented to Christ and the fellowship share love through food distribution from Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ.

The National Coordinator, Sister Mary Izam who spoke on behalf of the International President, Sister Grace Esiape, said Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ as the name implied was established by Jesus himself who always provide for the widows and the orphans.

She said they feed the widows with physical and spiritual food, adding that they are just vessels, but Jesus has always been at the helm of the organization as he provides all for them to reach the less privileged.

Sister Mary Izam said they always act based on the leadership of the Holy Spirit as it is evident in some of the testimonies they received from the widows, who sometimes said they just cooked their last food at then come a call from Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ for food distribution.

“According to one of the widows, she said she just said her last prayer and cooked the last Grain in the house that they were to eat and then tomorrow is only God that knows what to do with them, and just immediately they finished eating and she finished praying, our call came in. 

” We never knew her from Adam, she never knew us, she never heard about us but the glory of God trace her.” She said.

She said the organization is feeding the aged in America, widows and orphans in some African countries and in Nigeria they are also feeding the widows and orphans in Plateau, Kaduna, Gombe and many other states.

Over the years, widows have suffered either forceful marriages, driven out of their deceased husband’s house or denied access to late husband’s resources by relatives of the late husband, hence the holistic approach by Feeding all Nation through Jesus Christ intervention to fill in the gap.

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