October 16, 2024

Plateau: School Celebrates Nigeria’s Independence with Poems, Songs competition

By Timothy Alamba

Dalo Memorial High School Foron has celebrated Nigeria’s 64th Independence with Poem and songs competition among the students in the school.

According to the Principal, Pastor Pam Andrew Bot the event which is part of the school’s vision of providing a God centered education is to inculcate patriotism and Christian values into the students.

“Our vision is to train and disciple future leaders who will transform their generation by shining the light. It has been our greatest motivation in every activity that we do, that is why we started with prayer walk from the school to Foron Junction where we prayed and we sang the national anthem”

He said the school’s training is holistic in nature where every part of the student’s life is being developed and that was why they dedicated the day to reciting different poems and songs on Nigeria of today and restoring hope despite the current situation.

During the poem recitation competition, JSS 1 that came first was represented by Godwin Gyang Dung. He recited a poem titled ‘Independence’. The poem celebrates the sacrifice and achievements of our forefathers who fought for our independence and as well the rich human and natural endowments that has been bestowed on the nation by God. 

The SS 3 class who came second in the poem competition recited two poems titled ‘Cultivating Peace, the Hope of the Future’ and ‘Independence of Peace’ Both poems lamented how peace which gave children light and laughter has eluded the nation and called for peace, expressing hope for the destroyed communities.

Unique Comprehensive College who was invited for the program took the third position with a poem ‘Nigeria, the Pride of Africa’. The poem narrated how Nigeria has fared since independence and expressed hope that at 64 the country will soar higher against all odds.

Other poems presented include: ‘Nigerians’ by Yenan Jothan and Teyei Pam from JSS 2, ‘Nigeria Alive’ by Abraham Daloh from SS 1, ‘Independence’ by Chomo Favour and Rito Chomo from SS 2, and ‘Our Great Country’ by JSS 3.

The song competition which was held later in the evening had all the four houses in the school presenting the new national anthem and one other song.

Highlights of the event was the presentation of gifts to the winners of the poem and song competitions. And goodwill message came from Mr. Albert Gyang, Media aid to the PDP Chairmanship candidate for Barkin Ladi LGC who donated #10,000, and Da Stephen Pwajok the candidate donated the sum of #100,000 and 5 bags of 25kg rice for the students to celebrate.

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